Craft Time - White Rabbit
Oh, by the way, if you'd really like to know,
he went that way - Cheshire Cat
Disney characters and films can be a great source of inspiration for all kinds of crafting hobbies. The White Rabbit that can be seen in the distance of the image above was made from Merino wool using needle felting technique. Inspired by the Disney animated version of Alice In Wonderland as well as the recent (although it's already been 4 years!) CGI adaptation with Tim Burton.
This rabbit was made using the Kirstie Allsopp Needle Felting kit that is currently on offer at HobbyCraft down to £15. The kit comes with various colours of wool along with the tools needed. They also sell the needles and wool separately.
If you would like to share any Disney inspired crafts please leave a comment below or send an email.